Spectral CRM Solutions – Sales Funnel Automation Services

Refreshingly Simple Workflow Management. Say Goodbye To Chaos In The Workplace.

If your sales team is stressed out and ineffective, scattered everywhere switch to Spectral CRM Solutions. We developed a fully automated sales pipeline management system that can be integrated in 7 days.

Are you looking to do the following?

  • Effortlessly construct a functional sales funnel for your business, without any additional work on your part
  • Automate your sales pipeline seamlessly.
  • Enhance customer relationships with a customized system that is fully managed for you.

Then you came to the right place.

Get a FREE Business Workflow Assessment

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Sales Pipeline Management Services

Manage Communications

Effectively communicate with all your clientele seamlessly through our software.


Create Reminders

Remind yourself and team members to follow up with automated sms and email reminders.


Book Appointments

Sync Google calendar and calendly to our software and schedule appointments


Customer Follow Ups

Alert customers that missed appointments to reschedule


Nuture New Lead

Don’t let new prospects fall out of your pipeline set automated emails and sms messages to keep the interested and engaged with your products and services.


Lead Rescue

Busy sometimes and can’t answer the phone? Don’t let new customers go unanswered send them automated text messages back until you are ready to speak with them.

What Makes Spectral CRM Solutions A Must Have, For Client Relationships.

You’re likely familiar with the saying “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” At our company, we excel in lead generation through search engine marketing and Google. However, we often come across businesses that lack a well-defined sales process or system to handle a sudden influx of new customers. This leads to missed opportunities as phone calls go unanswered, and potential leads fall through the cracks, never to be contacted again.

Sales Funnel Optimization Service
crm system

How We Solved This Problem

At Spectral Vision, we believe in the remarkable power of systems, and we are beyond excited to introduce our sales process solutions. We’re putting a firm spotlight on those customers that slipped through the cracks for your business that could of resulted in revenue. We believe in performing a coordinated outreach effort on forgotten price quotes and neglected follow-ups.

Automate Your Business In 3 Simple Steps


Connect with us on a discovery call.


Identify the bottlenecks in your business operations and sales process.


Create automated systems to solve problems and service more customers

Streamlined Sales Systems, Built Exclusively For Your Business.

The bedrock of every formidable company isn’t often found in its flashy taglines or its swanky offices. It’s tucked away in the backbone of everyday operation – a robust, fail-proof sales system. It’s a well-oiled machine that picks interested leads, nurtures them with tailored engagements, and, like a loyal shepherd, guides them every step of the way on their journey to conversion. This is the kind of system Spectral Vision seeks to instill in your business through our CRM Solutions.

Spectral Vision sales funnel diagram
crm system

Custom Sales Funnel Strategies

It’s easy to forget a price quote, miss a vital follow-up, or lose track of the sales journey. Traditional reminder systems are shoddy at best, and at worst, non-existent. We’ve all been there. But this is where Spectral Vision steps in – ascending from the ashes of forgotten business practices with a modern reset. Our systems utilize SMS and email reminders to delicately nurture your leads right to conversion. Through our tech-enabled nurturing systems, you’ll see a substantial increase in conversions—up to 40%, in fact. We are not afraid to open up the playbook, check out the exact sales funnel we use to acquire new clients.

Use Calendar Invites and No-show Reminders, Keep Your Team Organized

CRM Implementation Experts las vegas

In scheduling sales calls, there’s a fine line between reminding and pestering—one we tread delicately. Calendar invites keep appointments top of mind without being intrusive. Missed a call? We’ve got you covered with our considerate and timely ‘no-show’ reminders. The aim is to keep the conversation going, nudging gently, not pushing aggressively. When your prospects re-engage with your business your sales team can be ready to help guide them.

Smart Follow-ups for a Smarter Sales Process

Following up isn’t just about sendings an ‘are we there yet?’ email. It’s about knowing which part of the sales funnel your prospect is in and tailoring a response that caters to their place in that journey. Our CRM Solutions take the guesswork out of your hands and automate the process with smart, targeted follow-up campaigns.

It’s time to let the chaos of scattered customer interactions go and embrace the harmony of streamlined systems. Welcome to a new era of sales processes with Spectral Vision’s CRM Solutions. Experience the astounding impact of guided organization on your conversions today.

  • The Nuts & Bolts: Programs, platforms, tools, accounts, lists, data, etc.
  • The Execution: We build and connect everything.
  • The Machine: Everything all in one piece

Get a Free Business Workflow Assessment

This Call Is Perfect For:

  • Businesses itching to transform their current websites into streamlined, top-notch funnels.
  • Businesses eager to systemize their sales process into a repeatable sales funnel that is easily learnable to their staff.
  • Businesses driven to push the envelope and optimize conversion rates and to elevate their average order value.
  • Businesses in search of a dependable agency that will implement the system and maintain it on a monthly basis.
Lead Generation and CRM Setup

The most popular industries in which we cater to.

  • Personal Trainers
  • Physical Therapists
  • Chiropractors
  • Politicians
  • Marketing Agencies
  • Salons
  • Photographers
  • Auto Repair
  • Restaurants
  • Life Insurance
  • Realtors
  • Wedding Planners
  • Life Coaches
  • Commercial Cleaning
  • Airbnb Rental Management